Vibratory Feeder Bowl Tuning and Setup
If your vibratory feeder bowl is UNDERTUNED: When spring bolt is loosened, parts slow down
If an immediate slowdown of parts travel is noted, the unit is undertuned. If more speed is needed, add one or more springs (with proper spacers) or substitute a spring with a thicker spring. Always recheck tuning after each change. If springs are added, be certain the spring bolts are long enough to withstand the torque necessary for tuning. ALL bolts must be tight when tuning is complete.
If your vibratory feeder bowl is OVERTUNED: When spring bolt is loosened, parts speed up
If a bolt is loosened slightly and parts speed up, the unit is overtuned. Remove the thickest spring on the unit and replace it with a thinner spring. When replacing the thicker spring, use a 1/8″ thinner spring. More than one spring may need to be changed to a thinner one if the unit is excessively overtuned.
Most vibratory base units have a fairly wide range between the lowest and highest points of tuning. Vibratory feeder bowls should be final tuned with the bowl carrying a normal load of parts and running at the slowest possible speed, yet maintaining the specified rate. The tuning should check slightly overturned when proper, and a constant speed should be maintained as the parts level decreases. Extremely heavy parts require a few more degrees of overtuning than normal. ALL bolts must be tight when tuning is complete.